Swallows Return to Eagle Hill
by Trudi Doyle
Buy the Original Painting
28.000 x 20.000 x 1.000 inches
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Swallows Return to Eagle Hill
Trudi Doyle
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
"Swallows Return to Eagle Hill " Acrylic on canvas. In Ireland the Swallows return always signifies the arrival of the season of sunshine warmth and fun, This painting included Eagle Hill which I paint often as it is the scene of my many of my childhood memories.
I eagerly await the return of the swallows every year.
Once my first Swallow flew right in through my back door, through the hall, into my sitting room and landed on the frame of a painting with a garden and swallows - I opened the patio door to the garden, it circled the room and out into the wide blue yonder - life imitates art, it had to be a good omen.
May 3rd, 2024